and also blogs


In Which I Fail to Keep Track of Things

So I set up this free promo for my book a while ago? And then apparently I forgot about it? And I just remembered when I went to check my kdp data and was like, what's that random number over there in that column that never has numbers?

Turns out I've given away 169 free copies. CRAZY. I mean, I thought I might give away, like, two. The timing is sort of a mess because in my imagination I thought I'd be launching the sequel soon. I wasn't expecting the sequel to be an evil devourer of hearts and dreams. It is currently in edits. That I am taking forever on. Because apparently cleaning the bathroom is more interesting. I SWEAR I'll get this book out before the end of July somehow. Probably.

Anyway, I should write my indiependence day post before I forget about that, too. And maybe look into a way to add a new harddrive onto my brain. And then magically become productive and write ALL THE BOOKS.

Sigh. Guess I it's time to drag my non-magically enhanced brain through some edits. OH LOOK THE INTERNET.

UPDATE: Since I'm #36 in teen/romance/free (I'm so excited! I've never been #36 in anything before!) I made myself an award. I MEAN, I won an award that I definitely did not just make in photoshop because I'm an over excitable crazy person.


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