So there's been a bit of a scuffle over romance
novels lately. By that I mean, Tessa Dare tweeted some stuff about an article that I then read. Basically, people are in a tizzy over some intern's article because it says horribly
mean things about romance novels. There's even a rebuttal that proports to
defend romance novels but actually turns even meaner.
If you're curious, it's an old argument. The
one that says high literature is good for you and romance novels are trash and
if you read them you're an idiot. You know, the usual sort of insults. I could
say some things here about how romance novels make me think, about the very
real depths they have, about how that moment from The Heiress Effect
where Jane says I am ablaze is on infinite repeat in my skull. I'm not
even going to touch on the idiocry of the argument that woman are so addled
with hormones that we can't tell reality and fantasy apart. But instead I've
decided to say something simple.
Romance novels make me happy. Unbearably,
volcano-ishly happy. There's nothing like that moment when you finish a great
romance novel and it feels like your entire body is just glowing with how
incredibly happy you are.
This, I think, is one of the reasons they are
sneered at so often. Happiness tends to be seen as a lesser emotion. Sadness is
percieved as wise and noble. There's a reason we talk about cynism as knowing
more and happiness as ignorant. Happy is constantly portrayed as the least of
the emotions, the dirtiest, the stupidest. You have to be some sort of idiot if
you dare to be happy.
I call bullshit. Happiness is brilliant.
Happiness matters. And the best thing about romance novels is that
EVERYONE gets to be happy. Are you overweight? You get to live happily ever
after! Is your nose kind of crooked? Happily ever after! Did you get knocked up
and thrown out on the streets? There's a happily ever after for you too! YAY
Is it realistic? No, not particularly. But
isn't it a lovely idea? Instead of adding more bleakness to the world, wouldn't you rather add a bit of light and fairy dust? (On
second thought, scratch the fairy dust thing. Probably shouldn't be grinding up
fairies for their sparkly properties.)
My point is, screw the people who sneer. Be happy. Be happy to your toenails.
Be so happy you hum pop music as you shop for groceries. Be so happy you can't
stop giggling at the joke in your head. Be so happy that sneering people glare
at you in horrendous jealousy because they can't figure out how you manage it.
And, as they mutter there goes another deranged idiot, sigh for them a
little and think, there, but for the grace of romance novels, go I.