Yet another post about how I've messed up again. :)
What would really help would be to set realistic goals. The problem is, I've never been the realistic goal setting type. I prefer setting completely exorbitant goals, even though it always ends without me completing them.
The reasoning behind this is simple. If I set a realistic goal and fail to follow through, then I'll just be mad at myself. If I set an insane goal and fail to follow through, oh well. It was never that likely in the first place. See how effectively I've blocked goal guilt?
Now I just need to figure out how to actually get things done...
Oh, I know what you mean about those realistic goals--or at least the ones that seem realistic at the beginning until they fall through. I think the good thing about goals is they give you something to strive for, so you're not just sitting around doing nothing.
Oh, I know what you mean. I set realistic goals…and forget to factor in things like the migraines and illness and such that are sure to pop up and eat time that I'd scheduled for other things. *sigh*
The downside of missing goals is that sometimes you end up struggling to actually finish the thing you failed to hit as a goal, because you failed (sometimes badly), so what's the point continuing?
…Maybe that last one's just me. ^_^
Who, me? Sitting and doing nothing? No idea what you're talking about. *watches more netflix*
I am much impressed by your writing. It's very important to set goals for yourself.Because it keeps your work on the track. This is the reason why large industries are taking support of goal management software.
For myself, I'm working on learning to set goals I can meet. This month I'm doing indefinite goals--- no minimum word count on the novel, no minimum number of poems written, I just need to make regular progress.
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