and also blogs


In Which I Resize

I ran into a problem a little while ago. I was reading the ever useful Self Printed when a line stopped me dead in my eye tracks. The ideal size for a book cover is 1563x2500 pixels.Okay, I paraphrased because I didn't feel like looking up the actual quote (that's a lot of book to go through, okay?)

Anyway, my brain spun into shock. Because the ideal size was 600x800 pixels. That's the size I make all my book covers to, because it's the size I was told was best when I first started making book covers years ago.2

But then this thing happened. Where screen resolutions got better so now picture resolutions need to be better. I'm a bit miffed about it. It means I'll need to resize the Junk Squad cover and my stock images now cost me twice as much to get them big enough to look good. Grr.

Admittedly, I'm also a bit miffed at myself for not noticing. I mean, I really should have been paying more attention. This is the problem with having learned all my designing/coding nonsense in the ice age.3

So now I'm resizing. The Junk Squad cover resized okay, I guess the images are high enough quality to handle it. I suppose this has been a good learning experience for me. This must be what people who've been doing things for longer than five minutes feel like. Confused and slightly annoyed because the things you spent time learning are no longer relevant.

When it comes down to it, though, if I hadn't put in all that now irrelevant time, I wouldn't have learned anything and my covers would be even worse than they already are. Just like how all that time I spent writing atrocious things wasn't really wasted, because I needed to write those things before I could write half way decent things. Like how I'm writing all these confused, topic-less blog posts in the hope that someday I'll be good enough to write something readable and full of wisdom punches.

Yay, wisdom! Wait, this counts as wisdom, right? Maybe it's just a case of getting a first hand slap from something I vaguely knew but never really bothered about.

Footnotes! Yeah, I'm all fancy now.

1. quick lesson: for anyone who doesn't know what a pixel is, it's like a measurement of size and it determines the resolution and everything. If you look up the resolution of the screen you're currently reading this on it's probably measured in pixels. Unless you're reading from the future where pixels have been replaced by something fancier. In which case, hi! *waves* Maybe this lesson wasn't so quick after all. 

2. not, like, real book covers but ones I put up on my nano page and mostly just made for fun (I have weird hobbies, okay?)

3. the ice age in the world of computers being three years ago


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