Today's my birthday! Which means it's time to go through all my bios and update my age from 22 to 23! Yay!
I've been in a reminiscing mode lately, mostly I think because I've been rereading the Soul Screamers books. The series just ended and it feels like I started reading it a lifetime ago. Of course, it wasn't really. I started reading the books over Christmas break of '09. They were some of the first ebooks I ever read, back when I was reading on my ipod. I wouldn't get my kindle until that summer, right before vacation.
Which starts me thinking about how I earned the money for it working as a Resident Assistant that summer, which leads me to think about hitching rides from my friend whose car barely ran and the driver side door only unlocked from the inside...
Memories are like an infinite series of links sometimes, the wikipedia of the brain.
But this post isn't about being nineteen, it's about twenty-two. This time last year I was getting ready to graduate from college and panicking because I had no idea what to do next. Now I understand that my professor was right when she said, "Just do something. If you don't like it, do something else."
But newly twenty-two year old me didn't understand that yet.
I wrote Tidal Wave over the summer while I was staying at home, then I got a job and wrote Queen of Broken Hearts. And now twenty-two will forever be the age at which I self published my first book. It'll be the age of working at Walgreens and living in a crappy apartment and learning to write a budget.
I'm not sure what twenty-three will be yet. Maybe more of the same, maybe not. Only twenty-three will tell. I expect I'll learn some more lessons, fall down a few more times, and pick myself back up. I hope it'll be the age I pulled off this crazy self-publishing endeavor, but it might just be the age where I kept trying.
I don't know yet, but I do know enough to officially declare twenty-two to have been a pretty good age, for all its drawbacks. So here's to twenty-two. May it forever be a long chain of memory links in my head, and may I never forget to visit every once in a while.
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