and also blogs



Proof of exhaustion: I added a post to the wrong blog. Clicked over to check what it looked like and was all, why are my graphics loading funny? OH WAIT.


Indie Life: Falling Through

Yet another post about how I've messed up again. :)

What would really help would be to set realistic goals. The problem is, I've never been the realistic goal setting type. I prefer setting completely exorbitant goals, even though it always ends without me completing them.

The reasoning behind this is simple. If I set a realistic goal and fail to follow through, then I'll just be mad at myself. If I set an insane goal and fail to follow through, oh well. It was never that likely in the first place. See how effectively I've blocked goal guilt?

Now I just need to figure out how to actually get things done...



It's August first and I'm supposed to start my challenge today but my edits are still not finished. *eats ice cream* So what I'm thinking I'm going to do is, I'll start on my first challenge story, and maybe switch back and forth between that and edits? *eats more ice cream* Except I don't want to be going back and forth between two such different stories without breathing space. So maybe I... spend a couple hours on each one and take a walk or something between them? *finishes entire thing of ice cream*

I know, I know, this is an "I spilled champagne on my cake!" problem. It's brilliant that I have two awesome writing projects and a day off to work on them. (Wait, make that three. I'm working on this serial? And I will say no more because I'm not launching it till January.)

Anyway, I should get started on these now if I'm going to get through anything today. I'll post more about my challenge on the fifth, since that's when I'm launching the Cool New Idea that I'm totally going to pull off with sheer willpower. It'll be cool. And probably end terribly. We'll see.