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In Which I Am So Not Productive

I feel like I keep writing about trying to manage time.* Then again, that's mostly what I'm dealing with in this stage of my writing career. How to find time around my day job to actually get writing done.

Of course, the problem isn't really time so much as energy. I have time, as I've proven by watching all the Archer on Netflix. The problem is that when I'm off work I'm all, blah, don't wanna be productive, take nap now. In my defense, I did get my edits done last night. Against my defense, I've written about a thousand words of Pride today when I meant to write ten thousand. Oops.

I can still manage to hold to my schedule if I buckle down and work like crazy, though part of me is beginning to think I am lazy is a lesson I am refusing to learn. I should really work on some readjustment to account for my laziness, like how I figured out that I won't wake up early enough to go to the gym so I started going after work because it's on my way home, thus ridding me of all excuses.

I'm having trouble coming up with a good system like that for writing, though. Try consistently writing every day so that I only need to get a little bit done, thus making it more manageable? Nah, too sane and sensible. My turning off the internet strategy works remarkably well because it bores me into writing. Maybe I should try using that more often. I thought about setting it to turn off my internet every morning, but decided that would just make me sleep in later (sad but true).

I clearly need to trick myself into productivity. Okay, here's the plan. By the end of this week I must write a business plan. The only way to procrastinate on this is by writing Pride. GO!

*I also feel like I spend a lot of time writing about how I'm avoiding writing? And it maybe makes it sound like I don't like writing? So I would just like to clarifying that I adore writing. I only avoid it because it's work and I avoid all work on principal (principle? principel? Oh screw it, who cares (it would take me five second to look up which one is right, but I won't, on princi-something)).


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