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Live Who You Want To Be

I've been wasting a lot of time lately telling myself how productive I'm going to be once I'm a full time writer. I have this future image of myself going to the gym every day, writing for eight hours, then going out to solve crimes with nothing but a toothpick and a laser pointer (okay, maybe not that last part). The point is, future me is awesome. Present me wastes too much time surfing the internet and barely makes it to the gym once a week.

There's a well known saying in business that you should dress for the job you want, not the one you have (let's ignore for a minute that this works not at all in a profession with uniforms).

It's about time I make use of that saying, not with my clothes, but with my actions. I've begun asking myself: Would super awesome future me (SAFM) skip the gym? No? Then get to it. Would SAFM slack off on writing to watch one more episode of Vampire Diaries? No? Then start writing. 

Keep in mind that I'm not making myself feel bad by comparing myself to someone else, I'm reminding myself of where I want to be and the work it's going to take to get there. I know I'll never really achieve some idealized version of myself, but maybe I can live like her for a little while.


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