I had great trouble deciding what to write about for this. I
mean, picking one indie book? Impossible! So I’m thinking I’ll do a post for
every day of indiependence week. That way I get to cover MORE BOOKS!
So, to begin, I’m going to talk about serials. I love
I can read the entire installment over lunch break! It’s
like a t.v. episode! The best ones update a lot! What else do you need? And,
and, indies are leading the charge on these! There’s some trad pubs stumbling
along in the indie’s unstoppable wake, but mostly it’s an indie movement.
The idea is that serials are good for cell phone reading.
Like, you’re waiting in a long line so you read a serial. Convienient! How
fitting for our current attention spans! (I don’t know about you, but mine’s,
like, five seconds.)
So I guess I should highlight some actual serials. (And,
umm, some of them are from Indelible authors because I’m not sure how I can
I’ve read through most of RaShelle Workman’s Blood and Snow
serials. Quick and dramatic, great fun. I believe I found out about these through cool little text picture things she made. What are those things called anyway? With the book quotes on them? I adore them, but somehow have never tried to name them before now...
On my ‘to read’ pile is Susan Kaye Quinn’s Debt Collectors
serials. I KNOW I haven’t gotten to reading them yet, I’ve been busy, okay? Found out about this one through her blog during an indie blog hop day.
I also want to read H.M. Ward’s serials, but they’re a bit
pricey so I keep being all *debates* *wants* *debates* I predict giving in any
day now. These are from the evil Amazon recommendation engine that won't stop making me want even more books I can't afford.
I’m not sure if it counts as indie, but I’ve started reading
Kindle Worlds stories. I can already tell I’m going to be tearing through these
things like potato chips (which I happen to be eating right now). Poor bank
account. I forsee many lunch breaks spent in a favorite fan-fic in my future. I recommend Anita Clenney's Vampire Diaries serials. Intense and crazy, just like the show.
SO tomorrow I will talk about my debilitating love of
regencies and all the delicious indieness thereof, and Wednesday will be all
about NA. No idea what Thursday will be. An awesome surprise? Maybe a give
away? Probably not, because I really am broke. But WE SHALL SEE.
(Also I'm pretty sure I'm disqualified? Because I've followed none of the rules? OH WELL. (Double also, I really need to stop making statements into questions for no good reason. But adding question marks is really fun?))
Great choices, Jennifer! I had the privilege of beta reading Susan's series, and it is AWESOME!!!
RaShelle's series is a HUGE best seller, so let the numbers speak for themselves!
Rock on w/the Indelibles~ :o) <3
Thanks for participating! :) I haven't tried the Kindle Worlds but if the right one came along I think they'd be cool to try out! I do like serials. I just usually wait for the serials to be done and then read. :)
Fun post . . . books can really bankrupt one. Oh well, there are worse obsessions . . .
Thanks for visiting my post.
It's fun to have a different take on the theme. Thanks for the great recommendations. I like serials, too, as well as interconnected short stories and novellas from the same world. Indie publishing is so flexible, we're seeing a lot of different forms emerge. It's super fun. :)
You can't help who and what you love. ;) Snd clearly you have great taste because all of those authors are fabulous.
Thanks for commenting!
@LTM: Yes, I have high expectations for Susan's series. *rubs hands in anticipation*
@Laura: Hah, completely understand. I wait to read books if I see it'll be a long wait before the sequel. :)
@Gwynneth: Yes, worse obsessions. Like Tetris. Not that I would know anything about that. *walks away whistling*
@J.R.: Yes! One of my favorite things about indie publishing is how it opens up all sorts of crazy possibilities. The only limit really is your imagination. :)
@Karen: OH NO I'VE BEEN CAUGHT. *hides under blanket*
I'm writing a series because I love to read them. I get into the characters so a stand alone can often leave me feeling cheated :)
Shah X
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