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Camp Nano Day Three: Stalemate

And now I'm at the point where I don't know what to do next. Having ditched my other ideas, I've now got nothing. Or at least, not much of anything. I still have Tidal Wave revisions to work on, but I want a new project to write on. I'm just not sure what it should be.

The old time Hollywood thing has really caught in my brain and I've been thinking about it, but I'm not sure. If I run with it I'll definitely come at it from the angle of old sci-fi movies, because, come on. Is there anything better than an old sci-fi movie? No, there really isn't.

But I don't have a plot. A few character ideas, maybe, but no plot. Should I make it a murder mystery? Drive it with character drama? Should it be the story of the main character imploding? Oh, I do love a good implosion.

Oh, I don't know. I'm going to have to sleep on this one. And then do some research. Not, like, useful research, but, like, awesome research about what kind of sunglasses they wore. Okay, I'll admit it. The only reason I want to write about Hollywood is the sunglasses.


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