and also blogs


Camp Nano Day One: Gorillaing Around

I have a problem. I have the attention span of a monkey eating bananas laced with crack. See that? I don't even know why I took that metaphor so far. Did it add anything? Probably not.

And so. I've made a new blog. I blame my sister. I would stop and explain but NEXT TOPIC.

It's the first day of camp nano! You can find the super awesome description of the novel I'm writing here. Also, I just realized I named my main character Nellie. That's a terrible name. I'm changing it. 

NEXT TOPIC. Owlbears. Best monster ever, or made up at 11:58 p.m. when the deadline was midnight?

Edit: 11:32 p.m. I wrote 991 words! GO ME. None of them are any good, but they are words and I wrote them!


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