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How to Write a Novel (In Three Days) Part Two: Why?

In this second bit of advice, I’d like to address why. Why would you possibly want to write a novel in three days? It’s insane, and hard, and it means you don’t get to do anything cool like go to an amusement park during your labor day weekend. For the love of all things bookish, why would you do that to yourself?
  • To say you did it. Imagine the scene, you’re talking to your friend who spent their weekend tanning by the pool and they ask, what did you do with your labor day weekend? Nothing much, you say, I just wrote an entire novel.
  • For the head rush. The thing about writing a novel in three days is, you completely immerse yourself in your novel. You don’t just take a few brick out of the dam of reality that holds back your creativity. You blow that motherfucker up with dynamite.
  • To enter the contest. Okay, okay, the odds are against you winning, but there’s still a CHANCE you could win and get all published-face, and isn’t that an awesome feeling? I mean, to submit your manuscript in and know that somebody else is reading it? Isn’t that the best?
  • And, for the most important reason, you’ve got a story to tell and this is an effective, if messy, way of getting it out. There’s no time to second guess yourself or let your self doubt and inner editor gnaw on your soul. There’s just you, the story, and the writing. That’s all you really need.


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