As promised, my trying-to-be-professional-and-helpful blog post series!
For the first installment in my series, I feel like I need
to explain what 3-Day is. The 3-Day Novel Contest is a writing event that
happens every year on labor day weekend. Hundreds of crazed novelists enter and
write like mad for three days to churn out a novel. This novel is then
submitted and judged.
Of course, I’m not here to insist that you pay the fee to
enter officially, though I do think it helps with motivation. It can be just as
fun to write a novel for yourself and not submit it anywhere. In fact, feel
free to write a novel in three days on some other weekend. (There was this guy?
With this blog? And he wrote, like, twenty-four three day novels in a year.)
The point is, writing novel in three days is awesome.
MIND, I’m using the word ‘novel’ loosely. Most three day
novels come in around one hundred pages, which is really more of a novella. But
three day novella doesn’t have quite the same ring to it. Anyway, this is
really more of an extremely rough first draft. Don’t try to publish this novel
the day after you finish. Please.
Anyway, 72 hours. Write a story from beginning to ending.
Sound good? No? Tomorrow I’m going to tell you why you should consider it.
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