I have a BRILLIANT NEW IDEA! I know, I get those a lot. But this one is really cool. Maybe.
Anyway, so I've been reading Catherine, Caffeinated's book Self Printed (gosh, that felt like a long descriptor) and she said your blog content should be what you want to read but haven't found on the internets yet. This made a lot of sense to me, and seeing how as I never actually got around to focusing what I'm writing about here, I decided it should be that.
I thought about how while there's a ton of advice about writing and publishing things, there's very little advice on actually making a career out of writing. Most writers are reluctant to share how much they really make, which does make sense, seeing as how most people don't wander around blurting out how much money they make. But most careers DO have those nice little graphs with how much money you can expect to make and write ups in books on how to go about doing that career.
There isn't really anything like this for writing. And that has frustrated me for a long time. The best resource I've found is The Business Rusch, and as unbelievably helpful as that is, it's really slanted towards people who have been at this for a while.
So what's a beginner like me to do?
So. From now on I am writing the blog that I wish existed. The blog about how to work your way into a writing career. Which I guess means I'll talk about what works and doesn't work for me as I try to build a career in writing and quit my day job. And there will be MATH. Because, honestly, I love math. And charts! Lots of charts! I love this idea already!
(Disclaimer: There are probably other blogs somewhere on this topic, considering I don't really believe in original ideas, only original execution, so feel free to list out what I'm copying, especially if it's a nice new resource for me to read.)
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