and also blogs


In Which I Indulge in Boring Things

So I started writing this really involved blog post about choosing self publishing but then realized it was all extremely boring. Okay, so how about I lay out my feelings in one list that way if you don’t care you can just skip over the boring bits because it’ll all be in a list. SO. THE LIST.

            Why I’m choosing self publishing (a list)

1.     Because I had a good hard think and decided that my goal isn’t simply to get validated by experts and wait forever then not make anything. I want to make a living off my writing, which means making money, and when it comes down to it, self publishing gives me better royalties and I can publish more often, meaning I can make more money, giving me a better chance to make a living. There’s still the occasional million dollar book deal, but it’s far more likely that I’ll just get a couple bucks and a thanks for playing postcard. If that.
2.     Because the only opinions that really matter to me are the ones of the readers. Do I want to write books that are generally considered to not suck? Of course! But, again, I’d rather be Stephenie Meyer than broke and respected. Wait, is that bad?
3.     I like to write precisely what I like to write and precisely what I like to write has no real market. Therefore it’s highly dubious that a publisher would pick it up anyway. But other readers like me who enjoy silly, contrary things might find it and enjoy it, and that’s what really matters.
4.     I can still pursue traditional publication later if I really want to. While some traditional publishing peeps might reject me out of hand for having self published, those aren’t the ones I’d want to work with anyway. (Why did I use the word peeps? I don’t know, it sounded good at the time. Also, peeps are delicious.)

Anyway, boring list number one is complete! Now I must torture you with some boring NUMBERS. See, I have a plan. I would make a chart and everything, but it turns out I don’t know how to put a chart into a blog post unless I turn it into an image and paste it in or something and I feel like that would look really bad? I don’t know. I guess I could code it but that would take really long and I’ve already wasted too much time with this paragraph.


In order to accomplish my goal of living off my writing, I need to make at least as much as I do off my job, which is 1-1.2k a month. So if I sell books for $2.99, making two bucks a book, I need to sell five hundred books in a month.

That sounds like a lot. But if I, say, write four books in a year than by the end of the year I’ll only need to sell 125 copies of each book a month! That sounds entirely reasonable and within the parameters that Self Printed talked about. (Yes, I’m aware that book selling is not a steady paycheck and sales will fluctuate. I’m assuming that is being budgeted for and this will be the monthly average. Ksies? Ksies.)

Anyway, I figure building up by selling ten copies in the first month and then ten more in every month after that sounds like a good plan to getting there. Most importantly, these numbers give me concrete, achievable sounding goals. I have no idea if any of this will turn out to be actually achievable, but this is my plan. If it works out I will be making my living off writing after a year. Unrealistic dreams for the win! High fives everyone!


Anyway, this blog post is already way too long and you’ve skipped over most of it because it turned out to all be boring stuff. DON’T WORRY. I haven’t forgotten about you, people who enjoy less boring things! I’m totally going to do a tutorial post where I show you how I created my book cover! Won’t that be exciting? If you said no then I may need to reevaluate.

Soooo…. Nano updates! I haven’t been writing much. The end.

Just kidding! About the the end part, not about the not writing part. That totally happened.

Trying to shove myself back into writing after I ground to a halt has been challenging. This is why it’s important not to skip days, even if all you write is a couple words. Because it’s so much harder to pick back up after you’ve completely stalled. JUMPER CABLES.

I’m not making sense anymore. I should go write more words. I can’t decide whether I love this story or want to toss it in a blender and repeatedly hit the mix button while laughing maniacally. Oh well. 


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